Colombo and Co. Red Logo

Colombo and Co. represent a new breed of car enthusiasts. While the obsession - and the cars - remain the same, we hail from the first digital native generation of collectors. We understand that the way significant cars are bought, sold, and discussed is ever-changing. From first time buyers to the caretakers of the some of the world's most pre-eminent collections, we help the full spectrum of car lovers to navigate their passion for classics in the modern age.

This is about you. Yes, you, the person reading this. The project car builder. The used part hoarder. The Ferrari Tailor Made collector. The car magazine reader. The Instagram follower. The quiet observer. All of you. The company we need on this journey of cars. Welcome on board. Fasten your seatbelts, and enjoy the ride!

Our team

We take our cars very serious. Ourselves, not so much.

Management & Sales

Some people believe that if you want something done right you should do it yourself, but Arthur takes that to a whole new level. When he couldn’t find people to restore cars to his exacting standards, he built a museum quality workshop, and when he couldn’t find the perfect experience in buying and selling rare classics, he co-found Colombo & Co.

Management & Sales

Benoit has long been obsessed with quirky classic cars, starting with a Peugeot 404 he rescued from a scrapyard when he was just 12, to being an Alfaholic. He has made a career as a seller’s agent and consultant for some of the top collectors and auction houses. To give his passion for working with cars a name, he co-found
Colombo & Co.


Onetime boutique dealership owner who has experienced “failure to proceed” in more cars than most people have successfully driven, John won’t shut up about all of the obscure and “undervalued” cars he thinks are amazing. He’s also a journalist, so we just gave him a keyboard so that he could do his rambling on our website and give us some peace and quiet instead.

Studio Photographer

Whoever called Rembrandt the “master of light” has clearly never met Jeroen. Those incredible studio shots of our cars aren’t the product of digital manipulation, that’s all Jeroen’s mastery of using lighting and shadows to capture the unique curves of our magnificent machines. Come to think of it, we’ve never seen a single Rembrandt photograph of a Lancia - the fraud.

Outdoor Photographer

They say the only thing an excellent photographer can’t capture is the emotion of driving a car, but damned if Sian can’t get close. From rolling shots that are poetry in motion to capturing these rare beasts in their natural habitats - back roads and race tracks - Sian is a master of en plein air.

Master Mechanic

We’re yet to find a mechanical issue that Thijs can’t fix and trust us, our antics have broken hundreds of cars in hundreds of ways. He’s got a brain that should probably be either studied or institutionalized, but until then the man could tear down and rebuild a Colombo V12 with his eyes closed.


The people in them may be fully clothed, but the films Andreas shoots are still unbridled erotica. An expert is capturing the sights, sounds, and thrills of our cars in action, you’ll fantasize about starring in his shoots as well, with none of the guilty feelings after.


Pieter-Jan might be the most obsessive-compulsive human we’ve ever met, and that’s exactly why we made him our go-to detailer. He’s never happy with a car until the interiors are immaculate and the engine bays are clean enough to eat off of, and his meticulous touch is the final step in what makes Colombo & Co’s already good cars truly great.

Fuel in the blood

As an all-round car geek, Emile is living and breathing classic cars. No mountains too high or valleys too low to get to the race or car event in his classic Alfa Romeo. Adventure-driven with a great eye and soft spot for eccentric car designs. What more could we wish for?